How to Get the Most Out of NaNoWriMo
How to Get the Most Out of NaNoWriMo // Evergreen Authors
Dear Evergreen Authors:
What does NaNoWriMo stand for? And how do I participate in it as a writer?
Great question!
We love NaNoWriMo and think it’s a wonderful way for writers to get motivation and encouragement to write their book because let’s face it…we ALL struggle sometimes with getting that novel done and could use an extra boost.
What is NaNoWriMo?
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) began in 1999 as a simple, yet daunting, challenge:
Write 50,000 words of a novel during the thirty days of November.
Now, ever year on November 1, thousands of people from all over the world write and try to hit the 50,000 word mark to finish their book.
The #1 biggest benefit of participating in NaNoWriMo
The greatest thing about NaNoWriMo is that it’s a huge social network for writers - like LinkedIn is to job professionals or Facebook is to niche groups - NaNoWriMo brings writers together both online and in real-world events where 900+ volunteers in places like Mexico City, Seoul, and Milwaukee coordinate communal writing sessions in partnering libraries, coffee shops, and community centers.
It's a huge, thriving community powered by writers, for writers. And there’s nothing else like it.
Bringing so many writers together with a common shared goal is hugely powerful, and so motivating to be part of. If you need an extra kick in the pants to get your novel done, then NaNoWriMo can be the push to make it happen.
To motivate you even further to participate in NaNoWriMo this year, here’s a few novels that were written during NaNoWriMo that went on to become monster bestsellers.
How to set yourself up for success during NaNoWriMo
There are three simple steps to make sure you #getitdone duruing NaNoWriMo:
1. Outline first. Spend the first couple days plotting your story, and use that as an anchor to keep you moving forward.
2. Write at the same time every day. Even if it's just a few minutes! A writing habit is really powerful.
3. Finish for the day in the middle of a scene or even a sentence. Leaving something in the middle will make you excited and motivated to keep writing the following day.
You can do this, writers!
Want more inspiration writing your book? We’ve got you covered!
Writing a book is not about having the innate “talent” that only a lucky few are born with, but something you can learn.
It can also be easy and enjoyable when you have a proven, step-by-step system to guide you.
In Portable Magic: How to Write and Publish a Great Book, you’ll learn how to become a more confident writer, and make whatever you’re writing deeper, richer, more compelling, and able to do what all stories are meant to do: change how the reader sees themselves and the world. Click here to get your copy now!