Book of the Month: Crushing It! by Gary Vaynerchuck

We’re just going to admit it: We have a bit of an obsession with Gary Vaynerchuk.

If you don’t know him, you should. He’s the real deal.

We’ve read every book this guy has written. We’ve probably also watched every TikTok, followed every Tweet, and followed every Facebook post.

He’s influenced a lot of our philosophy here at Evergreen Authors: that whatever you do to market yourself and your book needs to come from a place of honesty, integrity, and joy. 

Whether your book is just coming out or you’ve been an author for a long time, we always think that Gary Vee’s message is always relevant.

That’s just one of the reasons we chose this book as our book of the month, even though it was published a decade ago! 


Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence―and How You Can, Too

by Gary Vaynerchuk


Here are four big takeaways from the book, for you to take to your own author journey:

1. Authenticity is Key

Gary Vaynerchuk always emphasizes the importance of authenticity.

For creatives, this means presenting your true self to your audience. Don't replicate other authors in hopes of finding their level of success.

Authenticity builds trust and fosters a deeper connection with your audience, which is crucial for long-term engagement and loyalty.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Not all social media platforms are created equal, especially for creatives.

Gary Vee advises to focus on the platforms that best match your strengths. The key is to concentrate your efforts where they will count the most.

And yes, this does mean staying on top of trends and understanding where your audience is! 

3. Focus on consistency

While viral content can be a quick boost to you, your business, and your book, consistency is what builds long lasting author careers.

We find that this is one of the most important messages authors need to hear when they are setting their marketing plans in place after their books are out!

Create a plan you can honestly stick to for the long term. 

4. Networking and Collaboration

Building networks and collaborating with other creatives can amplify your reach and introduce your book to new audiences.

Gary Vee walks the walk of reaching out to peers for mutual promotions, collaborations, or just for sharing advice and experiences without any expectations. 

If you ask us, Crushing It! is one of those books that stands the test of time for authors and creatives.

And we love that Gary is always admitting his struggles, owning his mistakes, all while remaining humble and grateful for his success. 

He’s also hilarious, no-nonsense, and tells it like it is.

In a social media world where everyone is trying to give off an image of perfection, Gary models that your unique author journey is not going to be smooth, and that is okay.

The joy in marketing your work is finding the path that works best for you.  

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Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


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