Section 2: Post-Launch - Targeted Advertising

Welcome to our favorite topic here at Evergreen Authors—targeted advertising!

In this video we'll talk about targeted advertising in general, what it means for you as an author, and how you can make the right choice for where YOU focus your efforts for targeted ads, including:

  • How targeted ads work

  • Your options for platforms

  • What to expect from your targeted ads

Targeted ads, just like any of your long term marketing efforts, require a lot of research, time and patience. Just know that the data you get as a result of your advertising efforts is invaluable and has the ability to inform so much of your future writing career.



(12 minutes)

Josie Robinson • Author

I help everyday people navigate this crazy modern world with gratitude and grace. Read my bestselling book about how to heal your life with the power of gratitude →


Section 1: Post-Launch - Publicity and Social Media


Section 3: Post-Launch - Bulk Sales and Events